Forskolin Review 2019 – Complete Breakdown: Does It Really Work?

Forskolin Reviews

The struggle to lose weight and keep it off is not something new for most Americans. Whether you’ve tried dieting, exercise or simply counting your calories and had some success, you probably know that it takes a ton of work and lots of discipline to maintain a healthy and desirable weight.

But because every person is different, not all conventional weight loss methods will work for every person who is looking to slim down.

In fact, studies have found that only 15 percent of people succeeded in losing weight with conventional weight loss methods alone.

If you are one of the millions of Americans who has tried conventional weight loss methods and failed, herbal medicines and dietary supplements like forskolin may be able to help you reach your weight loss goals and maintain a healthy weight.

What is Forskolin?

what is forskolin plantForskolin is a natural dietary supplement that has long been used in Asian medicine to treat a variety of different health conditions including insomnia, convulsions, high blood pressure and heart and lung diseases.

Made from the root of a plant that is in the mint family called Coleus forskohlii, research suggests that forskolin may work for those who have struggled to maintain a healthy weight in the past by aiding weight loss and building muscle.

Forskolin is a popular ingredient used in many different dietary supplements and can be found through trusted health retailers online and in your local health stores. As a natural herb, forskolin is favored by many who are looking for a simple boost to their weight loss program that is safe and effective.

How Does Forskolin Work?

Over the last several years, many studies have been conducted to determine if and how forskolin works in conjunction with more traditional weight loss and muscle building methods.

how does forskolin works

Research has found that forskolin works by naturally stimulating the release of stored fat from the fat cells in the body. Similar to the way that your body uses stored fat for energy production, forskolin works to jump start the fat burning process naturally.

While this may sound like a miracle weight loss option for some, it is important to note that the release of stored fat will not promote weight loss on its own. To see better weight loss results, stored fat must be released alongside a calorie deficit. That means that your energy expenditure or calories out must exceed your energy intake or calories in.

When used as a dietary supplement alongside more conventional weight loss methods, forskolin may be able to support a healthy calorie deficit by:

  • Naturally suppressing your appetite
  • Increasing your metabolic rate
  • Burning more fat

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What Are the Benefits of Forskolin?

forskolin benefitsWhether you are looking for a way to supplement your weight loss program or you’re a physique athlete looking to burn fat, forskolin may have a number of different benefits in reaching your fitness goals.

While the studies completed on forskolin are limited, they have shown that the supplement may benefits users by:

  • Increasing site-specific fat loss
  • Burning fat
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Stimulating the release of stored fat from fat cells

Is Forskolin Safe? Potential Side Effects

health and safety forskolinEven though forskolin is a natural supplement, it is always a good idea to speak with your doctor or nutritionist before taking any new medications or dietary supplements.

While extensive research on forskolin is still being conducted, there may be some risks associated with the use of this and other dietary supplements, including:

  • A headache or increased heart rate
  • Stinging eyes or enlarged blood vessels in the eyes
  • Irritation of the upper respiratory tract, cough or tremor when inhaled

Anyone who takes blood thinners or anti-platelet drugs should not use forskolin. Additionally, certain high blood pressure medications may interact with forskolin, including:

  • Calcium channel blockers
  • Clonidine
  • Beta-blockers
  • Hydralazine

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should also consult with a doctor before taking forskolin.

How to Take Forskolin? Usage & Dosage

forskolin extract supplement facts
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Forskolin supplement comes from a perennial herb of the mint family. It grows naturally in tropical regions such as East Africa and the Indian subcontinent.

It was traditionally used by natives to cure digestive disorders, infections, skin allergies and various body aches.

Today, it’s used mainly for weight loss and is more effective when paired with other organic ingredients. Its extracts are obtained and encapsulated into doses that come in a bottle for oral ingestion. It is essential to know how and when to take to achieve best results.

When buying the supplement, ensure the content of the extract is not less than 10%. Look for the ones with Coleus Forskolin Root Extract at 20%. If you cannot find it, buy the 10% rating and double the dosage.

250mg of 20% Forskolin is recommended for use in the morning. A similar dosage can be taken at midday. However, this dosage does not apply universally as different people have different needs and goals for weight loss.

You can take a smaller dosage as you start. As your body becomes receptive to the boost in testosterone, increase the dosage slightly. An active athlete can take a higher dosage than an ordinary office worker who only jogs in the evening to stay in shape.

The most important thing is to take Forskolin in moderation. If you suffer from a chronic disease, consult your doctor before taking. You must avoid overdosing, lest the potent ingredients will interfere with normal hormone processes and vital organ functioning.

Supplement experts advise taking the pill half an hour before a meal. As it contains potent natural vitamins, it suppresses appetite. It makes you feel satisfied so the little food you take aids in losing weight.

Take the pill first thing in the morning to benefit from the boost in energy. As you go about your day-to-day chores, you may experience an increase in physical and mental drive. You can take another pill at noon to keep the energy going.

It’s not a good idea to take Forskolin supplements too close to the end of the day. Although researchers are not conclusive, the effectiveness of the energy booster may negatively influence your sleeping pattern.

You don’t require stimulants to accompany the supplement. Instead, ensure you take lots of water during the day to aid in detoxification. High levels of water in the body increase hydration for avid bodybuilding enthusiasts and ordinary people alike.

How Effective Is Forskolin for Weight Loss?

It’s believed that Forskolin increases the levels of testosterone in the body. With a spike in the hormone, you will have the energy and drive to hit the gym. Therefore, it’s recommended for men who have low testosterone.

The extract is dried and combined with other powerful agents in a pill. These ingredients help the body to burn calories naturally. It increases metabolism and works to break down fats stored in the body. It makes you consume little food and have it digested into energy for the body to use. Ensure you spend this energy by working out and remaining active.

Forskolin & Apple Cider Vinegar: How Effective Is the Combo for Weight Loss?

apple cider vinegar and forskolin for weight loss

In the recent past, apple cider vinegar was used to increase metabolism to improve fat burning, for instance, the visceral fatty tissues in the abdomen. Due to its success story, many health experts and advocates recommend adding apple cider vinegar alongside Forskolin.

Although, there isn’t a combo supplement in a capsule available in the market. The best way to use this combination is by buying apple cider vinegar separately along with your favorite forskolin extract supplement or liquid extract.

You can mix half a teaspoon of Forskolin liquid extract and a tablespoon of apple cider in drinking water. Stir the solution so that it dilutes in water and take a glass in the morning or before workouts. If you have Forskolin extract supplements which are what most people have, then you can just add a 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass water – you can take it in the morning with your forskolin supplement. It is recommended not to take more than 1 1/2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar per day.

There are no known side effects of this combination. However, avoid bloating by drinking more water and exercising. Avoid taking large dosages as this can trigger too much energy and cause palpitations and rapid heart rate. The combo has shown a significant success so far.

Turmeric & Forskolin: How Effective Is the Combo for Weight Loss?

turmeric and forskolin extract combo

In the last couple of months, turmeric has emerged as a natural weight loss ingredient that can aid Forskolin. Turmeric is a popular spice that contains Curcumin, a chemical that inhibits the proliferation of fat cells.

It introduces polyphenols, substances that inject anti-inflammatory and anti-obesity properties to forskolin. Turmeric is therefore increasingly being fronted as a weight loss organic plant. Researchers are now combining it with Forskolin to increase the effects and duration of losing weight.

The combo capsules come in a bottle, where you are recommended to take a pill in the morning and another at midday. This increases the rate of thermogenesis, a process that produces heat as it burns down calories.

Energy from the process increases your urge, will, and capacity to work out more. Avoid this combo late in the evening as it may interrupt your sleep. When overdosed, side effects include intermittent palpitations, anxiety and a feeling of restlessness.

Note: We recommend going directly to the main company/supplier and purchasing Forskolin w/ Turmeric supplements. They are always offering free bottles, trials, deals, etc. that you won’t find elsewhere or at other online/retail stores that are advertising their products. You can view the latest Forskolin w/ Turmeric supplement offers & deals here!

Are there Any Real Case Studies on Forskolin for Weight Loss?

The United States Library of Medicine researched the effects of Forskolin on weight loss. The study involved 12 adult men who were either obese or overweight. They were put on a dose of 250 mg of 10% extract of Forskolin. They took the pill twice a day and examined for 12 weeks.

Forskolin was observed to make favorable alterations to the body. Fat percentage and fat mass, for example, were reduced for all 12 participants. There was a noticeable increase in lean mass as well as serum-free testosterone.

Another study which involves 30 overweight to obese men, who were randomly assigned to one of 2 groups:

  • Forskolin Group – 15 men were given a supplement containing 250 mg of Coleus forskohlii extract (10% forskolin) twice a day for 12 weeks.
  • Placebo Group – 15 men were given the same amount of placebo pills.

The study found that the men who took forskolin during the 12-week trial lost significantly more weight than those on the placebo, without a change in total body weight.

The research concludes that Forskolin is a therapeutic agent in the management of obesity. It could work differently for different people even with the same dosage. Therefore, do not buy the idea that it is a magic pill for weight loss.

Forskolin can boost your weight loss efforts. However, it’s wise to take it under the supervision of a qualified nutritionist or health practitioner. On your part, exercise daily and eat a low-fat balanced diet to achieve better results.

Forskolin Reviews & Results

forskolin reviews and testimonials new

By going through a wide selection of recent and verified user reviews, it’s easy to see a pattern of what works and what doesn’t with Forskolin.

The majority of people who have use Forskolin have reported losing weight. However, we can’t verify that Forskolin was the main reason in all of those cases. Due to the fact that some of the users had changed their diet completely and/or started an exercise program.

Roughly half the reviewers lost about 2-3 lbs. the first week, while the other half lost weight at a slower or even faster pace.

Many reviewers stated that they did notice a decrease in appetite and more energy while taking Forskolin.

Many of the successful reviewers also mentioned adding exercise to their routine and drinking plenty of water.

Another helpful tip from users has been to advise customers to take Forskolin in the am preferably in the morning about 10 – 20 minutes before breakfast. Note: If you don’t think your stomach can handle Forskolin on an empty stomach – make sure to eat beforehand.

We must highlight this issue with users who were taking both anti-depressants and Forskolin – they notice more depression. Make sure to talk to your doctor if you’re on anti-depressants before taking Forskolin. However, we personally don’t recommend taking Forskolin while on anti-depressants.

Overall, the majority of Forsklin reviews are overwhelming good. You’ll find many reviews from users who haven’t try Forskolin but want to but are hesitant due to the fact that they are probably taking blood pressure medications, may have diabetes, etc. They are afraid that it may interfere.

We strongly recommend taking these issues and concerns up with your doctor before taking Forskolin. Although, Forskolin is natural and you probably get the okay from most doctors. Still, it’s important to discuss it with a physician as well as doing your own research.

We believe in using Forskolin in conjunction with an exercise program, better eating habits, a healthier lifestyle for better and more effective results.

Where Can I Buy Forskolin?

Forskolin can be purchased at the official Apex website. Apex is one the oldest and most trusted supplement companies out there and their Forskolin extract supplements have been receiving rave reviews through out the years. We strongly recommend them and they also meet the criteria that we recommend our readers to follow when looking for a good Forskolin supplement.

  • Contain 100% Pure & Natural Organic Ingredients
  • Extracted from the Ancient Plant “Forskolin”
  • The right dosage of 100mg – 200mg per pill (We don’t recommend buying from companies that advertise higher dosages or recommend you to take an extreme amount in order to achieve results.) Make sure to stick to the right dosage!
  • No Artificial ingredients, No GMOs, No Preservatives.
  • Most importantly, make sure the company have a money back guarantee policy in place.

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Forskolin overall has received good reviews and have many great health benefits such as the following:

  • Asthma relief
  • Lower risk of osteoporosis
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Stimulate testosterone formation for muscle mass maintenance
  • Lower blood pressure

Forskolin is an all natural dietary supplement that can help you along your journey to a healthier and more fit body. When used alongside more conventional weight loss methods, forskolin help users to burn more fat and maintain or build additional muscle mass.

Whether you are new to the fitness and weight loss world or if you are a professional athlete looking to burn fat and build muscle faster, forskolin may be the boost you need to meet your goals. We always recommend that our readers partake in a healthier lifestyle and incorporate a workout regimen for better and long lasting results.

What Do You Think?

We’d love to hear about your experiences with Forskolin! Do any of you have your own personal Forskolin reviews? We would love input from our readers. Share it with us and our readers in the comment section below!


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